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Do You Seek Poetic Justice?

Photo by Geralt via Pixabay

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Do You Seek Poetic Justice?

Speaking with a friend today, she was sharing her adventures in writing poetry. With ironic humor, I relayed that while I can write blogs and books, poetry was never my style – but the one exception is I seek out poetic justice!

According to a Google search, ‘Poetic justice is a literary device that rewards virtue and punishes misdeeds. It’s also known as poetic irony. The term was coined by the English literary critic Thomas Rymer in the 17th century.’

Interestingly, irony incorporated into humor is my style for getting people to laugh! Regarding sales and getting Hired, laughter calms the nerves of everyone in the conversation and encourages further engagement. It’s my secret to sales success.

My Story

Upon hearing John Lennon’s song, Imagine, I reflected on our news today. Our world is experiencing war on different continents, plus demonstrations of hatred and discrimination elsewhere, and we are far from the solutions many seek. 

Imagine Lyrics:

Imagine there’s no countries
It isn’t hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion, too

Imagine all the people
Livin’ life in peace

You may say I’m a dreamer
But I’m not the only one
I hope someday you’ll join us
And the world will be as one.

During times like these, it becomes the right time to imagine acting in the opposite direction by deliberately adhering to diversity, equity, and inclusion that can make a significant difference for all. Mirroring the sports slogan, ‘teamwork makes the dream work,’ we can all imagine the difference inclusivity may make in corporate and everywhere we go.

The poetic justice will be honoring and learning from one another – a more humanitarian approach to life and careers.

In our youth, most seek to ‘get even’; however, that does not work well in the corporate world. Those who aspire to do well in the sales profession will typically ask questions to listen carefully to the answers, realizing pieces that may be missing to ask additional questions in hopes of solving the puzzle on a solid footing. The same may apply to creating adept teams and managerial leaders who are exemplary in their approach to business and staff, encouraging Growth on all counts.

Adulthood encompasses more patience than thrusting an immediate insulting reply, as we may have done in our younger years. Upon hearing the advice to write a book, I designed it as ‘A corporate tell-all with names changed to protect the guilty.’ 

In this case, the poetic justice was not in calling out the people hurling horrific treatment as I silently wanted. While describing the behaviors that intrigue audiences, the book magically became a marketing-branding tool for future work. It was exhilarating to witness my book published and admired. Nice Girls DO Get the Sale: Relationship Building That Gets Results, quickly become an International Best-Seller and then Evergreen – among the classics! The author’s journey was the beginning of my poetic justice. The laughter within due to the surprise outcome and the joy ‘almost’ make the experiences worthwhile!

Your Story: Do You Seek Poetic Justice?

It is far better to seek poetic justice than revenge. Hurt, anger, and revenge only convert into actions that one may regret after the fact. Pursuing poetic justice makes it possible to enjoy the last laugh while recognizing how far you have come.

The next best step is to share your experiences with others in whichever creative mode appeals to you most. Whether writing, painting, activism, establishing a podcast or creating a brand-new portfolio, it will help you to incorporate the worst for better outcomes. 

Before you begin each new workday, review how far you have come and where you want to head. Then, pay strict attention to your goals according to your priorities with minimal distractions. Ultimately, you will enjoy smiling as you realize how far you have come.

In Conclusion: Do You Seek Poetic Justice?

Experience is the best teacher, and our job is to be cognizant of everything that transpires: good, bad, indifferent, and ugly. By embracing all of it, we can create a unique path for ourselves when no one will listen, and with perseverance, we can realize the outcome we always envisioned.

For More Insights, Visit Elinor’s Amazon Author Page

Communicate to Attract Interest

Nice Girls Do Get The Sale Is An International Best-Seller And Evergreen:
A Classic! Https://! How To Use Sales Techniques To Sell Yourself On Interviews Is A Best Seller. Https:// And Helped Many To Secure The Job They DesiredVisit Elinor Stutz'S Author Page On Amazon: Https://

Be A Story-Teller

“Believe, Become, Empower“

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Sales Tips: Seek Poetic Justice

  1. Eliminate the desire to seek revenge or get even; substitute the thoughts with seeking poetic justice.
  2. Learn to laugh at the nasty remarks because you may hear nuggets of gold to help you advance.
  3. Confirm that those in your close network support you; otherwise, find new peers.
  4. Calculated risk is a part of everyday life and business; be willing to test one new idea at a time.
  5. On weekends, review your worst experiences from long ago and recently to realize the lessons and how to improve moving forward.
  6. Participate in sports or creative projects during non-work hours and allow your mind to wander
  7. A free mind often develops new ideas for consideration.
  8. Review all your past projects to realize which you enjoyed the most and decide whether you may expand upon them for further pleasure.
  9. After all the pessimistic predictions, your poetic justice will include a huge smile and confirm that you can!
  10. Celebrate Success!

Today’s insights are provided to help you achieve the Smooth Sale!


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Growth Hackers – Helping businesses globally grow with lead generation, growth marketing, conversion rate optimization, data analytics, user acquisition, retention, and sales.

Inclusion Allies Coalition: “Everyone is welcome here.” Learn more to train teams and join the advocacy program.

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The post Do You Seek Poetic Justice? appeared first on SmoothSale™.

Elinor Stutz International Best-Selling Author

Elinor Stutz broke through barriers long before doing so was popular. Against all the odds, she defied the theme “women can’t sell” to become the top producer at every company she ever worked for, ignoring attempts to get her to quit.

Eleven years later, I lay motionless on a stretcher with an irreparably broken neck. Two visions appearing before me, and a brilliant gold light encasing my entire body, gave me a reason to believe I would recover. I wholeheartedly knew I was about to empower audiences far and wide. At the moment, I negotiated a full recovery with the promise to be of service. The surgeon and hospital staff anointed me with the title “The Walking Miracle.”

As the CEO of Smooth Sale, Stutz adapted the motto, “Believe, Become, Empower.” Believe in yourself; Become the person you envision; Empower your audience to do the same. Stutz is on the Social Media Committee for Inclusion Allies Coalition devoted to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.


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