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It’s A Book Thing Presents: An Interview with Moxie Gardiner, author of Virgin Snow

Author’s Bio:
“Moxie Gardiner” is the pen name of a writer, blogger, and traveler. The name
“Moxie” was first bestowed upon her during a rare visit long ago to an upscale
bar in her native Buffalo, where posh regulars attempted to describe her rather
rough West Side edges. She does have a soft side, however. She loves the smell
of warm wood, the sound of insects in the evening, and the flashing underbellies
of airplanes flying above the setting sun. 

After graduating from Buffalo State
University, she moved to Washington to pursue a career in journalism that
resulted in countless magazine articles. She later became a speechwriter and
eventually a policy “wonk.” To date she has visited 46 countries and all 50
states, and still has a lengthy Bucket List of places to see and things to do,
including books to write. Virgin Snow is the first novel in her planned

Lawrence: What inspired you to write your book?

 From the time I was in
high school, I knew I wanted to write fiction. I loved to read from an early
age and enjoyed making up stories for my seven younger brothers and sisters. It
was not until I left Buffalo to come to work in D.C. that I realized what a
unique place my hometown is, so when I sat down to write my first book, I
wanted it to be a story that captured my love for Buffalo and its people. 

DL: What is your
writing process?

MG: I had
to be very organized and disciplined in my career, and I approach creative
writing the same way. Don’t waste time hoping the muse might catch you – seize
the moment and chase it. So, I sit each day for four hours and write. Sometimes
I know I’ve come close enough to creative nirvana, and sometimes not, but either
way I am in my chair, letting the thoughts come and the words flow. Not
everything produced through this process is brilliant, or even worth saving,
but from time to time, something appears that I believe to be “inspired.” Those
occasional nuggets make all the hard work (and sore butt) worthwhile. 

DL: What obstacles
did you encounter while writing this book?

MG:  In the early stages of the novel’s
development, I asked about 15 people to read what I had created and offer
constructive advice. Unfortunately, the 16th person I asked to take a look
reacted negatively to the manuscript. I was devastated and quit the project for
two years. It was not until a published author I respected read it and gave me
tremendous encouragement, that I regained my “moxie” and never looked back. 

learned two things from that experience. First, not everyone is going to love
your book – ignore them and know that others will enjoy and appreciate what
you’ve given them. Second, unless you’re the type who thinks playing the
lottery is a strategy for financial success or are confident that worldwide
sales of your story will be in the millions, don’t waste your time pursuing the
traditional publishing route. Working directly with an independent or hybrid
publisher, or even self-publishing, is a much more rewarding experience both
psychologically and financially. 

DL: Is there
a specific author or book that influenced you in any way either growing up or
as an adult?

MG: When
I was in high school, I devoured every book written by Louisa May Alcott, J.D.
Salinger, Herman Hesse, D.H. Lawrence, J.R.R. Tolkien, John Irving, and F.
Scott Fitzgerald. These were books that originally informed my earliest world
view, so was it any wonder that I would write a coming-of-age book about a girl
who reads and tries to understand the confusing adult world around her? 

DL: What was
the most valuable piece of writing advice you’ve ever been given?

MG: Before
you even begin writing your book you should know two things: why you are
writing this book and who you are writing it for. It sounds simple, but
you would be surprised how many people begin writing before they have figured
this out. I wrote my book to be read, not to make Money, which means
that the number of books I sell is not my top criterion for success. The
number of people who read and enjoy it is. I also knew the audience I was
writing for, although I’ve been pleasantly surprised by the number of people
outside of my target audience who have read it and given me very positive

DL: If you
could choose a superpower, what would it be and why?

think it would be the ability to read and absorb every book ever written at a
speed faster than the fastest Artificial Intelligence algorithm, using my own
human brain. Imagine what you could learn, know, and vicariously experience if
you were able to do that! 

DL: What strategies
do you use to successfully market your book?

have my own author website which admittedly is a bit wonky, but I update it regularly.
I have an author page on Amazon and Goodreads. I blog every month and share my
blogposts with all my Facebook and Instagram friends and followers. I regularly
comment on any Facebook group with a Buffalo focus, just to keep my name out
there. I make myself available to talk to book clubs (I love them!) and
regularly appear at bookstores, book festivals, author showcases, etc. I’ve
also spoken to large gatherings at the Chautauqua Institution, the Buffalo
History Museum, and the Italian Cultural Center in Buffalo. In sum, I never
pass up an opportunity to talk about my book!  

DL: What are
three books you’ll never part with?

MG: That’s
so hard! I currently have about 800 books in my library (I’m not exaggerating).
I have that many because they are all dear friends and I cannot part with any
of them! But if I had to move to a desert island and could only bring three
books, I’d bring the Lord of the Rings trilogy. I could read those books
over and over again. 

DL: What are
three fun facts about yourself?

MG: Hmm,
let’s see. 1. I love insects, and as both a certified Master Gardener and
Master Naturalist I try to teach young people why they should love and not fear
these important little creatures. 2. I enjoy traveling to exotic places and
trying unusual foods—Vietnam, Cambodia and Thailand are next on my destination
list. And, 3. I love to dance and practice my moves almost every evening!   

DL: Where
can readers learn more about you and purchase your books?

MG: Glad
you asked!

Note: I’m
working on the second book in the trilogy about the life of Cosi McCarthy, the
protagonist in Virgin Snow. My readers all want to know what happens to her

DL: Thanks
so much for being here with us today. I know my readers will enjoy getting to
know you and your work.

MG: Thank

It'S A Book Thing Presents: An Interview With Moxie Gardiner, Author Of Virgin Snow &Raquo; Moxie%20Gardner%20 %20Virgin%20Snow%201 27 25

It'S A Book Thing Presents: An Interview With Moxie Gardiner, Author Of Virgin Snow &Raquo; Moxie%20Gardner%20Use%20This%20Pic%201 27 25

Originally Published on

Deliah Lawrence Attorney, Author, Blogger, Workshop Facilitator

Deliah Lawrence is a Maryland-based attorney and award-winning author of two romantic suspense novels (Gotta Let It Go and Gotta Get It Back) set in Baltimore. She’s also a blogger and workshop facilitator who writes poetry and short stories.

When Deliah isn’t writing, you can find her reading a book, indulging in her addiction to investigation discovery shows; or painting her yet-to-be exhibited oil artworks of landscapes, portraits or whatever else comes to her creative mind. Constantly on the go, she is also a member of the Black Writers’ Guild of Maryland and Sisters in Crime.

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