(478 words)Charlie Appleton, the extraordinary newsman, would have frowned at all the adulatory words being used to mourn the passing of Charlie Appleton, the ordinary family man. And just the sight of the word “adulatory” in a scrappy newspaper would have set him off.He came from the man-bites-dog school of news gathering, but then raised the bar by becoming a de facto dean of the

Originally Published on https://eightdaystoamish.blogspot.com/

Chris Rodell Author, Blogger

Chris Rodell is one of America's most colorful thinkers. Besides unconventional biographies on Fred Rogers and Arnold Palmer, his other books include "Use All The Crayons! The Colorful Guide To Simple Human Happiness," and "The Last Baby Boomer: The Story of the Ultimate Ghoul Pool," a 2016 satiric novel about the life and death of the last baby boomer (winner of the '17 TINARA Award for best satire).
