In a surprising turn of events, Elmo, the beloved red Sesame Street character, recently took to social media to check in on his followers. A simple yet heartfelt question was posed: “Elmo is just checking in! How is everybody doing?” Little did he know that this innocent inquiry would unleash a flood of brutally honest […]
Today is Dr. Martin Luther King’s birthday. In honor of this day, I’ve researched his earlier quotes and how from the start he was committed to showing how education, leadership and the ability to employ critical thinking go hand in hand if we are to develop and grow as individuals. As Dr. King finished his […]
Charles Dickens, a literary giant of the 19th century, achieved a level of popularity that transcended traditional barriers, even reaching the illiterate population. In a unique cultural phenomenon, those unable to read his novels individually found an ingenious solution – communal reading. Dickens’s works became a shared experience among the illiterate, binding communities together. Individuals […]
If you were given 4 minutes to sum up everything that drives you as a leader, what would you talk about? What kind of story would you tell? If you’re among those who’ve had to pivot as a result of layoffs or if you’ve had to lead a team through change, what’s the story you […]
As we gear up for the holidays, let’s pause and celebrate the real treasures in our lives—those heartwarming moments of genuine human connection. In the pages of my book, “Learned It In Queens: Winning Against Digital Distraction,” I invite you to join me on a quest to revive the art of meaningful communication. In a world […]
“The Elf” on the Shelf is a very good leader.” Julienne Ryan Who knew? Here’s what we can learn from him: 1. He doesn’t have to talk a lot to make his presence known2. Elf sets clear expectations and models the desired behavior3. He lets you know where you stand and provides feedback4. Elf reminds […]
Simple visual prompts can help you better navigate your interactions with colleagues and family members this Holiday Season. Why not consider using a simple tool that use everyday? Use your fork. Yes, indeed. Yes indeed. I started to think about how this simple, elegant tool can provide some timely lessons during my post-Thanksgiving Day commute to […]
When we are in the midst of uncertain times, the best thing we can do ourselves when we are experiencing challenges, is to take a and remember what we learned when we took a moment to learn from the wisdom of others. It’s important to listen and learn from our collective stories. Here’s a great […]
Here’s my question for the day – “What If We Rethink How We Experience Rejection?” I attended a writer’s conference years ago and signed up for a workshop titled “Addressing Writer’s Block.” The speaker was an established author who earned his living as a writer, so I thought he probably had some wisdom worth sharing. […]
Why do we talk so much? Why is it so challenging to stay quiet? What is the result of over talking or talking exactly at the moment when it would be so much more beneficial to stay silent? We recently released an episode of Narativ Inc‘s LEADERSHIP STORY TALKS podcast that was all about the power […]