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Learning Chaos

 Author: Mac Bogert  Category: Education  Published: 17 Mar, 2016  ISBN: 0996301801  Pages: 134  Language: English  Tags: Book | Education | Mac Bogert |  Buy Now

Better schools need more effective teaching and a new approach to learning to increase the effectiveness of future education. This won’t happen as long as schools look, and act, like places of incarceration. We need experimental school ideas and models that stretch our definition of teaching to focus on learning rather than correcting, two very different approaches. Classrooms, for adults and children, can transform themselves into lively centers for exploration, assembly, skepticism and fluidity by removing traditional barriers to learning. Since the default setting for human beings is to learn, we don’t need to make anyone learn, simply remove the barriers, e.g. standardized testing, grades and grade levels, top-down management, that stand in all of our way.

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