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January 2nd, 2025

Dating And Relating: The Last 25 Years – MTP441

  1. Dating And Relating: The Last 25 Years - MTP441 Scot McKay 34:05

Co-Host Emily McKay (https://mountaintoppodcast.com/coach) 25 years and one week ago, everyone’s attention was on whether or not the dreaded Y2K bug was going to crash the world’s computer systems and make planes fall out of the sky. And even as we partied like it was 1999, nobody’s nose was buried in their smartphone because those hadn’t come out yet. People weren’t even texting each other. After all, if on the off chance you had texting on your phone, every message cost like sixty cents. Online dating was in its infancy, but already stigmatized as if any users were desperate losers who ‘liked pina coladas’. Indeed, if a guy wanted to ask a woman out the best way to do that was in person (go figure) because picking up the phone and being confronted with an answering machine was just too stressful. But at least actual dating was still a thing rather than simply ‘hooking up’ or ‘hanging out’. Nevertheless, getting quality dating advice from, well…anywhere? Forgettaboutit. Self-help of any kind on the still narrowband Internet was practically unheard of. Even what would become the PUA movement was still limited to ‘underground’ keyboard jockeys in chat rooms (!) trying to figure out tricks to ‘game’ women with. Social media was years away, and with it the rise of ‘echo chambers’ that would shape public opinion (and outrage) on all manner of ways men and women relate to each other. And yes, people were terrified of getting herpes and dying of AIDS, so sexual activity was approached very differently than it is today. Yes, a LOT has changed over the first quarter of the 21st century, and we cover the good, the bad and the ugly in this fast-paced and (actually) fun episode! Get in on all the action to be had at: https://mountaintoppodcast.com


The content in this show is NEVER generated by AI. I discovered it can’t handle a joke a long time ago. Meanwhile, I’ll keep the practical, actionable ideas coming as well as the entertaining part…all for free. If you love what you hear, please rate the show on the service you subscribed to it on (takes one second) and leave a review. As we say here in Texas, I appreciate you!

Scot McKay Dating Strategist

Scot McKay has shared bad jokes with North Korean military officers, sipped coffee at Pablo Escobar’s home (served by his maid), survived a shark attack while surfing, held his breath as the pride of lions walked by his tent, and blitzed through California canyons with his knee on the double-yellow line at 140 mph. Yet somehow, he has also been referred to as the “sane one” on Twitter by Scott Adams, of all people.

But despite once being mobbed by the Dallas Cowboy cheerleaders, being able to back a 30′ travel trailer into its slot on the first try, and that time he beat the World Champion at his own sport (no details provided), he’s still the most objective and down-to-earth dating expert out there.

He’s also the most fluff-free fountainhead of original content in his field, if only because that’s what seventeen years of immersive geekery on the subject does for someone.

Scot’s wife Emily is his “proof of concept”, given that she’s just as sweet as she is smokin’ hot and still gets carded at her age. But you’ll never hear her brag about any of that, only Scot.

His show The Mountain Top has also been named a Top 10 Dating Podcast by DatingAdvice.com, and a long time ago Grader.com weirdly ranked Scot the #1 most influential Facebook user in the world.


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