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June 16th, 2024

#1018 Half Baked Marketing Ideas | Marketing Minute

  1. #1018 Half Baked Marketing Ideas | Marketing Minute Lorraine Ball 3:52

I love working with entrepreneurs. They’re excited and enthusiastic and their energy is contagious as they talk about their great idea. Unfortunately, I often have to tell these amazing people I can’t help them because excitement and energy is not enough to make a business successful.

Usually it’s because their idea is only half-baked. There’s a good concept but they haven’t really done the homework to fill in the details. The gaps usually occur in one of several categories

  • Not enough experience in the industry
  • They haven’t thought through the fulfillment process
  • Incomplete competitive assessment

In this episode, I share a few examples of how half-baked ideas could have been completed with a little work and a little patience  but entrepreneurs are impatient.

Don’t let this happen to you.  If you have an idea for a business do your homework learn about the industry, your competitors and your customers.  Give your idea a chance to succeed by putting it back in the oven for a little while. When you’re ready to talk about your half baked marketing idea give me a call  

LORRAINE Ball Marketing Strategist

After spending too many years in Corporate America, Lorraine said goodbye to the bureaucracy, glass ceilings and bad coffee to follow her passion to help small business owners succeed

Today, this successful entrepreneur, author, professional speaker, and host of a weekly marketing podcast, More than a Few Words, brings creative ideas, practical tips, and decades of real-world experience to every conversation.

As the founder of the Digital Toolbox Community, she helps business owners use internet marketing to grow. And in her spare time, she loves to travel, and take photos. You can see her photos at


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