1. Ep. 2 Midlife Fulfilled Survey Results Bernie Borges 31:40

Hello midlifers. Welcome to episode two of The Midlife Fulfilled podcast. 

In episode one I covered two topics:

  • I defined Midlife.  
  • I defined what it means to be fulfilled. 

In episode one, I also shared my first BF to AF experience. Don't remember what BF to AF is? It's an experience that covers “before fulfillment” to “after fulfillment” and its impact on my life.

In episode two you're going to discover the results of a Midlife survey I sent out, the findings of which validate my hunch that I am not alone on the journey to find fulfillment in certain areas of my life. 

You'll discover that nearly 78% of respondents report they are fulfilled in some, but not all areas of their life, about 19% are very fulfilled and about 3% are not fulfilled at all.   

In episode three I'll explain why the Pareto Principle has significance to us in our Midlife seasons and why you should care.

Starting with episode four, I'll be featuring interviews with people who are joining me to share their BF to AF experience. 

Connect with me on social media:
Email: bernie@midlifefulfilled.com

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Bernie Borges Host Midlife Fulfilled Podcast

I started podcasting in 2013. My most recent podcast is the Midlife Fulfilled weekly podcast which launched in February 2022.

I was frustrated by a lack of fulfillment, in spite of good health, a successful career, good fitness, a healthy marriage, and overall happiness. Despite these blessings, I was lacking fulfillment.

I conducted a survey and discovered that I wasn’t alone on the journey to find more fulfillment. As an experienced podcaster, I knew that I could provide a platform to help men and women in midlife find more fulfillment and joy through a weekly podcast.