Hi! I’m Ann Hester, M.D., the board-certified physician with over 25 years of experience who wrote this book to empower you like never before. Please, think of me as Ann, a friend who happens to be a physician who will share a wealth of information to help you change your healthcare trajectory forever. Patient Empowerment 101 will impact how you approach your medical care for the rest of your life. It’s a fun read, full of pictures, charts, and questionnaires. No boring medical jargon here. You can even access a website that reinforces concepts taught in the book. In addition, you can take engaging online quizzes and watch informative videos featuring life-like characters. The website was created just for you.
The book teaches invaluable healthcare principles once known only by medical professionals. You’ll become empowered to communicate with doctors on a level you never imagined. Imagine knowing specific questions your doctor will want to know about common medical symptoms BEFORE she even asks! You’ll learn to think thru your illness when your symptoms first begin. Symptom-specific questionnaires are provided in the book as well.
You’ll also learn to keep a concise copy of personal health records, a must in this healthcare climate. You can download additional Word forms for both your medical records and your symptoms as often as you like. You can even fill them out and save them to your computer before you print a copy.
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