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One World in a New World with Sunitha Sandeep – TEDx Speaker & Transformative Coach

One World in a New World with Sunitha Sandeep – TEDx Speaker & Transformative Coach*

Sunita Sandeep, a Technical Program Manager at Amazon Web Services and a certified Inner Transformational and Integrative Wellness Coach, talks about her childhood experiences of spending time alone, looking at the ceiling or sky, and doing nothing.

She explains how these moments of being quiet and still allowed her to feel connected to herself and everything around her, and gave her a sense of trust and confidence in a deeper part of herself. As she grew up and entered the corporate world, she lost touch with this inner awareness, but has since reconnected with it and integrated it into her life.

The journey of transformation is about being open, vulnerable, and willing to change. The process involves moving through different levels, starting with the surface level of mental thoughts, progressing to emotional intelligence, and finally to the gut level. It is important to allow oneself to feel all emotions on a spectrum and not judge them.

Letting go of personal will leads to a natural state that carries data that has not been unpacked due to lack of quietness. The journey is simple but not easy, and different perspectives operate in the moment. Sunitha discusses the importance of deep listening and the power it has in connecting with others, promoting creativity and facilitating change.

Zen suggests that as leaders, it is essential to lead with empathy and emotional intelligence, which starts with being an active listener. Zen also shares their experience as the executive director of a Global Peace movement, which involves removing aggression and nurturing growth to create a vibrant collective.

Fear is discussed as a major barrier to change and the author recommends inquiry-based practices and transmutation processes to overcome fear. One of the suggested practices is to sit with fear and ask oneself what is feared the most. This is seen as a form of self-care that promotes inside-out transformation.

Dive in and listen to what Sunitha and Zen have to offer for finding happiness and success. Please subscribe and share when you find value here or elsewhere on YouTube. Together, we can all make a difference in changing ourselves and the world for the better.

Connect with Sunitha:

Sunitha’s Website:

Sunitha’s TEDx Talk:

Connect with Zen:

Zen’s Coaching:

Zen’s CV et al:

Live and Let Live Global Peace Movement:

* We used ChatGBT with the transcript for the notes.

Zen Benefiel Possibilities Coagulator

Zen Benefiel is an accomplished author and speaker who holds Masters Degrees from the University of Phoenix in Business Administration and Organizational Development, a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration and is a Certified Life Coach and Hypnotherapist through the Southwest Institute of Healing Arts.

He helped women and minority-owned businesses garner over $200,000 in micro-loans through Self Employment Loan Fund in 2003-4. He assisted an indigenous coalition in Arizona to garner attention and inclusion in the development of the Steele Indian School Park, a complete turn-around from the Indian westernization facility turned high school built in the 1890s. He managed logistics for large public events drawing over 250,000 patrons in his 30s.

He hosted over 120 television shows in the early 90s, called One World, inviting his guests to explore how we overcome fears and move toward harmony in our personal and professional environments. He also produced a four-host series of community activist shows, focusing on community activists, holistic medicine, youth empowerment, and straight talk on politics.

He has taught business plan development classes part time at the college level for five years, was a production control coordinator in the aerospace industry for five years, responsible for $7 million in monthly shipments, a high school teacher for five years, often in charge of an entire curriculum; and special event manager for ten years with ranges of 5,000 to 250,000 patrons per event. He meets challenge with style and grace as an opportunity to develop successful business and personal relationships, resulting in a highly qualified facilitator.

He currently coaches, consults and facilitates client surveys, customer service, employee involvement, partnering, team building, strategic planning and professional development.


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