Friday - January 24th, 2025
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There are 76.4 Million Baby Boomers – and because they are NOT a homogenous group, there has never been one single trustworthy source to speak to their many and varied interests. We know there are numerous “digital tribes” or pocket groups of Baby Boomers who are already online – divided by geography, special interests, access to specific experts or ideology.

In fact, you are reading this today because you are already publishing a podcast, blog, newsletter or website designed to appeal to the interests or pastimes of one of these tribes. Your personal area of expertise might be Caregiving, crafting, international Travel, the expat Lifestyle, grandparenting, antique cars, Healthy Eating, Finance, healthcare, fitness, books, music, movies and cooking — or something we’re not yet aware of.

At the same time, you know you are only reaching a certain percentage of your potential audience, and you’re also know you could be reaching more of them. But how to do that affordably is a big question…


We’re Built Expressly to be Baby Boomers most Trusted and Ultimate Source for News, Information and Community.

We are an online membership community created by and for the Baby Boomer Generation. Boomers, and those who service and support them, are welcome to join our free overall membership accessing all general topics.

Our research shows that Baby Boomers are struggling to find a trusted news source offering the latest and most reliable information on their interests and needs. While they may have found some trusted sources for certain segments of their lives, it is very challenging for them to find everything they want. Not to mention having the time to check all their sources regularly.

We’re here to provide Baby Boomers with one trusted resource which collects and curates all the news, resources and programs of interest to them.

Now is the time to join! We’ll not only publish your content, we’ll help you grow your audience!




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