The story begins from inside the COVID19 storm which ravaged our nations Nursing homes, affecting the over one million residents and the healthcare workers who are the true unsung heroes working there. It offers an on the ground perspective on how it felt inside the nursing home, especially the lack of PPE that impacted the spread of the virus. Dignity & Respect continues tracing the story to the ill effects of isolation and loneliness on older adults, whether they are living in nursing homes or amongst us in our nation’s communities and goes on to address our attitudes towards Aging and older adults. These attitudes are deeply entrenched in our language and our culture and affects how we feel about “getting older.” from both a societal and individual perspective, ultimately affecting the care our elders receive. This insightful and informative book asserts that the core values of respect and dignity are the foundation for developing strategies that will help all those we love, and our future selves. to achieve a greater sense of peace and contentment as we age.