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Going The Extra Mile When Wooing Clients – 4 Tips To Keep in Mind

Going The Extra Mile When Wooing Clients - 4 Tips To Keep In Mind &Raquo; Screenshot2023 04 078.14.30Am

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How attractive a proposition are you for your clients? What is it that sets you apart from your competitors? In a day and age when detail matters, and information can be found at the touch of a button literally, how do you make your mark and stand out above the crowd?

One way is to woo your prospective clients. This is a standard business practice, but what is the most effective way to do this?

Focus on their needs.

Before you even start to shout about how amazing your company is, you need to show you know your client and their needs. Focus on what they do, learn everything you can about why they might want to work with you, and what needs you will be fulfilling. While they might have done their homework on you, they will want to know you are a compatible fit with them, so the more you know about what they do, the potential problems they need solving, and how to go about it, the easier it will be to get a foot in the door.

Collect testimonials

It’s no good in this day and age to simply have current or former clients give you a thumbs up; you need to stand out. When asking for testimonials, probe deeper for answers you need that will help you win over protective clients.

  • What was the problem we helped you solve?

  • What was it that you liked about our approach?

  • What results made a difference for you

  • How did we excel in meeting your needs?

  • How do you feel at this point in the relationship?

These answers can go a long way in helping new clients discover more about how you work and the benefit you have for other businesses similar to theirs.

Pull out the stops

There are indeed parallels between going on a first date and those first meetings with new clients. You must make a good impression and have all your ducks in a row. This means making a good first impression. So pull out the stops, and arrange a face-to-face meeting in a location they can appreciate, be it a formal meal, a relaxed sporting setting, or even a trip to see your business at work; whatever it is, make it applicable to them as a person (you will have done your homework as pointed out above) and their business. Use professional Charter Bus Rental Services to help you provide transport for clients so they don’t have to worry about driving to you.

Be responsive

The last thing any potential client wants is to feel like they aren’t being valued. Both before they signed on the dotted line and after. Make it your priority to ensure all your communication is as prompt as possible and that their calls and messages aren’t left to disappear into the abyss. Ghosting your clients after making the initial contact is a huge turn-off, and it doesn’t matter how good a fit you are for someone; if you take your time getting back to them at any point in this “courtship,” then you are leaving yourself open to someone else swooping in and doing what you are failing to do. So stay in touch, be prompt with replies, and be courteous, polite, and engaging.


Wooing clients is all about meeting their needs and showing yourself in a way that makes it impossible for them to turn you down. To do this, you need to be on the ball and not only your business inside and out but know exactly how you can fit their needs and what they want before they want to. Pull out all the stops and watch your acquisition rate soar.

Originally Published on

Michael Levitt Chief Burnout Officer

Michael D. Levitt is the founder & Chief Burnout Officer of The Breakfast Leadership Network, a San Diego and Toronto-based burnout consulting firm. He is a Keynote speaker on The Great Resignation, Quiet Quitting and Burnout. He is the host of the Breakfast Leadership show, a Certified NLP and CBT Therapist, a Fortune 500 consultant, and author of his latest book BURNOUT PROOF.

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