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One for the Road

 Author: Lynne Marshall  Category:  Published: 16 Feb, 2016  ISBN: 1530070457  Pages: 286  Language: English  Tags: Book | Lynne Marshall |  Buy Now

D’Anne Palmer has wound up a widow in Tennessee with her deceased husband’s forty foot luxury motor coach being her only asset. All she wants to do is get back home to California, family and friends. But without cash she’s stuck, until she comes up with the bright idea to hire out the RV and herself as cook and chauffeur. Tyler White was a “one-hit-wonder” ten years back. Now at a crossroad in his life, he makes an attempt at a comeback. He’s hoping the three-week tour will reignite his non-existent career. All he needs now is some cheap transportation and the widow with the RV might just fit the bill. D’Anne and Tyler discover a lot about life, love, and each other as they journey the southwest from Nashville, to Texas and on to Las Vegas with the band and Tyler’s dog, Dexter. Can close quarters really help a has-been singer on the comeback trail and a new widow who is unraveling a family secret find love?

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