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My Migraine Goals for 2025

My Migraine Goals For 2025 &Raquo; Unsplash Image Vb0R4K J1H8

I’ve never been much of a New Year’s resolution type of person. I figure any time of year is good for self-improvement, and I won’t think it’s any more fun in January than in July. I know migraine disease doesn’t take kindly to changes in habits, either, and it can get in the way – no matter what month it is.

For instance, migraine warriors must consider triggering factors when going on a Diet. I know when my body says it’s hungry, I need to eat something or face the consequences. I just need to reach for a piece of fruit instead of a sweet treat or a leftover dinner roll from last night. Lord, I love any kind of bread. It’s genetic, from my maternal grandmother.

Ramping up an Exercise routine too quickly can trigger an episode for me, too. And I’m not saying that just because I don’t like to exercise. Overexertion can be a real problem for me, so a gradual increase in activity is a better plan, especially if it’s outdoor exercise where extreme temperatures can be a migraine factor.

Diet and exercise are the usual suspects when it comes to setting goals for a new year. The idea of new resolutions has gotten me thinking. Do I have any goals for 2025 when it comes to my migraine illness? I hadn’t thought about that before, but it’s always good to reevaluate personal situations from time to time. So why should migraine be any different? Starting a new year is a suitable time to search the internet for any new migraine information that might be out there.

I know I tend to get a little complacent when my migraine plan is working well at aborting episodes. I would do well to remember that medical research continues to happen when it comes to migraine genetics, triggers, and treatments. You might discover a new lead on preventive or abortive medications to discuss with your doctor.

Why not start the year off by joining a social media migraine group or a local support group if you have one available? It’s super easy to join a Facebook migraine group, and you can participate at your own pace. An in-person support group is never a bad idea either. Talking to fellow migraine warriors is a great way to remind yourself you’re not alone in your struggles. You might also learn about traditional and alternative treatments that have worked well for them and could be worth a try for you. 

Now that I’m in my 60s, I’ve got to pay closer attention to all health issues, including migraine. It’s a smart idea to learn how the disease progresses with age and figure out where my episodic migraines might go in the upcoming year. Some triggers might ease up a little and others might worsen. As I age, other conditions could present with similar symptoms to migraine, so I may need to educate myself on the difference.

Starting a new year is the perfect time to reassess your version of migraine and your current treatment methods. Put together a list of questions and concerns and talk with your doctor to help you plan your migraine goals for 2025.

Originally published at on 1/27/25.

Originally Published on

Tammy Hader possesses no official, academic writer’s pedigree. With a BBA in accounting from Wichita State University, her history resides in numbers. After a 30-year accounting career, Tammy reinvented herself as a writer in 2018. She is an essay writer at Medium, BizCatalyst360, and WebMD. Tammy is an editor for the Medium publication Journal of Journeys, and she is a contributing author in the Daily Gift Book Series. Watch for her upcoming books in her memoir series. When not writing, she enjoys caring for her mom, cooking for her family, and serving her two rescue kitties with the royal attention they deserve.

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