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Ecosomatics for Global Change

People often comment that they have enjoyed seeing Tai Chi in a park with a large group of people early in the morning. This daily self-care ritual has been going on for centuries. People notice and they are moved by the experience, being drawn in by the calm and peace they feel.

Did you know that this experience is called “Ecosomatics”? This is the connection that happens when we engage in movement while sensing and experience the nature around us. Consider what it feels like to put your toes in the sand, the water, the grass. What does the air smell like in the forest or in the garden? What do you hear?

When we make a connection to nature, there is an instant shift in our body and its healing potential. You might notice this as:

  • reduction in Stress (your hormones like cortisol begin to drop),
  • lowered heart rate,
  • decreased muscle tension,
  • activation of the parasympathetic nervous system, which promotes relaxation and a “rest and digest” state
  • calming of the mind and body
  • heightened senses

Expand this to the power of our connection to nature to provide a shift for others in our world. That is, when we encourage the healing within ourselves and our connection in the world, we can inspire change in others around us and globally.

Did you catch our live event on Friday? If you missed it, here is the recording!

At the Greenwell Center for Holistic Health, we focused on the power of nature to support our energy nutrition in the fall Qi YINtegration class. Just the thought of nature, began the physiological changes noted above. Our time spent in nature should not be underestimated, and our connection to others with the intention to support their healing has been reinforced through scientific explorations of the enzymes for healing being activated with intention. This science comes from the 1930’s and 40’s. It is powerful.

When we are feeling powerless to the world events and community tragedies that surround us, it can be devastating to our heart and spirit. It is now, more than ever, that we need to have a plan for how we can support the world and our neighbours with simple gestures that can shift heartache and stress. By taking time to promote self-healing, we can set our intention to support others with our actions, and in this simple act, we are creating change.

Therapeutic Touch offers a special Meditation every Friday to support the globe. You can be a part of it by following this link…

The World Tai Chi and Qi Gong Day events and fundraising also provide support for global healing. The main event is the last Saturday in April. You can learn more about the Global Transformation Project to get Tai Chi into every classroom around the world. You can sign the petition to the United Nations for this eventuality.

To sign up for your own Tai Chi class in-person or online, please check out the events in our shop. As well as the calendar to help you plan your week.

If you are in western Canada, be sure to check out the class listings for West Kelowna Tai Chi Classes at As well, learn more about the Wellness Retreat March 21-23 with Dr Michelle providing a weekend of incredible health support and ideas for self-care practices with the principles of Tai Chi.

How will you be a part of global healing with your self-care choices? Together we can transform anything!

What tea did we feature? Well, Mission4Change CommuniTEA for sure! This powerful tea blend is my go to for business meetings, group gatherings, and empowering community change. There are several videos available about the healing ally of the herbs in this blend. You can learn more from our tea playlist on YouTube.

The post Ecosomatics for Global Change first appeared on Greenwell Center for Holistic Health.

Originally Published on

Michelle Greenwell Dr Michelle Greenwell, CIH

With a passion for supporting others on their wellness journey, and a career spanning 4 decades, I specialize in movement to heal the body through dance or Tai Chi and creating specialty tea blends to bring micronutrients and intentions into your day. I have a BA in Psych, a MSc in CAM (Complementary and Alternative Medicine) and a PhD in CIH (Complementary and Integrative Health). I include tools from my BioEnergetic Wellness Profession with Touch for Health, Therapeutic Touch, NeuroReflex Integration, and western herbs with eastern theories. With an extensive YouTube channel (@michellegreenwell) and online programs, I create daily activity opportunities for adding energy and vitality with ease and grace. My podcast is Be Well with Dr Michelle Greenwell, highlighting herbs and special guests who inspire transformation and health discovery. You can interact with me one-on-one or through group programs and resources.


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