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Posts Tagged With ‘ Royce Shook ’

Support your local foodbank 2
December 5th, 2023

 Another compelling reason to support your local food bank at this time of year is its ability to foster a sense of community and empathy. Food banks rely heavily on volunteers who sort, pack, and distribute food to those in need. By dedicating your time and resources to assist your local food bank, you not only provide essential support but also contribute to a stronger sense of community. Volunteering at a food bank allows you to connect with people from diverse backgrounds and provides an opportunity to learn about the diverse circumstances that contribute to food insecurity. This experience... Continue Reading

December 5th, 2023
Support your local Food bank
December 4th, 2023

 One way to give back is to give a gift to your local food bank. Supporting your local food bank is not only a noble act of compassion but also a way to address the pressing issue of hunger in our communities. Food insecurity is a pervasive problem affecting millions of people, including children, elderly individuals, and those who have fallen on hard times. Food banks play an indispensable role in bridging the gap between those who have excess food and those who desperately need it. By supporting your local food bank, you can contribute to the well-being of your community and make a meaningful... Continue Reading

December 4th, 2023
The Quest for the perfect gift
December 3rd, 2023

 Every year the quest for the perfect present starts early for some and later for others. I am one of those who thinks about the gift early but usually ends up buying the gift at the last moment. Giving the correct present is important as it reflects thoughtfulness, consideration, and a deep understanding of the recipient. A well-chosen gift communicates a level of care that goes beyond the material item itself, creating a meaningful connection between the giver and the receiver. When it comes to giving the right present, it involves knowing the recipient’s tastes, interests, and preferences.... Continue Reading

December 3rd, 2023
31 Xmas Dad jokes
December 2nd, 2023

Let’s take a break from blogs on retirement and other issues to lighten up the day as we move into the festive season. So to start, here are 31 jokes to embarrass my kids and grandson,  one for each day of December enjoy!  Why did Santa go to music school? Because he wanted to improve his “wrap” skills! What do you get when you cross a snowman and a dog? Frostbite! Why was the Christmas tree such a bad knitter? It kept dropping its needles! What did one reindeer say to the other after telling a joke? “You sleigh me!” Why does Santa go down the... Continue Reading

December 2nd, 2023
The holidays are a time to remember and celebrate
December 1st, 2023

 Over this month I will be focusing on my remembrances of Christmas and I hope you enjoy the journey. This year with all the chaos around us, it appears to me that we need Xmas or at least the spirit of Xmas sooner not later.  Outdoor Xmas lights in my community were up on November 12. Diving into the Chaos of the Holidays throws us a lifeline of sanity amidst the economic and social crises facing us. In the midst of gift-wrapping mayhem and tangled tinsel, take time to remind yourself that pondering life is as essential as untangling Christmas lights. While the holidays might be all about jingle... Continue Reading

December 1st, 2023
Embrace Smart Pedestrian Wearables for Safer Crossings!
November 30th, 2023

My friends and I were discussing self-driving cars, and the issue of pedestrian safety was raised. If a driver of a self-driving car is not paying attention and a pedestrian darts in front of the car and is hit who is responsible. We talked about the need for pedestrians to take some responsibility for their own actions. As I am curious I did some research and found out that a lot of people have considered the situation and there are some intriguing solutions coming.  I suspect there are solutions for all age groups, but my focus is on seniors so this post is about solutions for senior pedestrians.  As... Continue Reading

November 30th, 2023
Thoughts on Ageism
November 29th, 2023

Ageism, a form of discrimination based on age, is a pervasive issue that affects individuals in numerous aspects of their lives. Ageism encompasses various forms of prejudice, stereotypes, and discrimination that target older adults, leading to detrimental consequences for their psychological well-being, social inclusion, and economic stability. Ageism has been around longer than the debate of pineapple on pizza. Throughout history, societies have often valued youth and beauty while disregarding the wisdom and experience that comes with age. From limiting employment opportunities to shaping societal... Continue Reading

November 29th, 2023
Embrace a Holistic Understanding of Age
November 28th, 2023

Subjective age goes beyond the numbers on our birth certificates. It encompasses our mindset, health, social connections, and sense of purpose. By recognizing and embracing our subjective age, we can cultivate a positive and resilient outlook on aging. Let’s challenge ageism, break free from societal expectations, and live our lives to the fullest, regardless of the years that have passed. After all, age is just one part of our story, and we have the power to define what it means to grow older. Subjective and chronological age offer different lenses through which we perceive and experience... Continue Reading

November 28th, 2023
Promoting Positive Ageing
November 27th, 2023

Embracing a positive mindset towards aging is a key strategy to enhance subjective age. By challenging negative beliefs about getting older, we can reshape our perspective and adopt a more optimistic view. Engage in activities that promote personal growth, celebrate achievements, and maintain a sense of purpose. Surround yourself with positive role models who embody active and fulfilling lives at any age. Remember, age is just a number, and it doesn’t define our potential for happiness and fulfillment. To combat ageism, we need to start by raising awareness and challenging the stereotypes... Continue Reading

November 27th, 2023
Chronological vs Subjective ageind Examining Stereotypes and Prejudice
November 26th, 2023

Ageism, much like the high-waisted jeans trend, is a concept that has unfortunately stood the test of time. It refers to prejudice, stereotyping, and discrimination against individuals based on their age, particularly when it pertains to older adults. You know, like assuming they can’t work their smartphone and offering to show them how to send a text like it’s a mystical art form. Unfortunately, ageism is still prevalent in society, and it affects individuals of all ages. Ageism refers to stereotypes, prejudice, and discrimination based on age. Older adults often face negative stereotypes,... Continue Reading

November 26th, 2023