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Michael D. Levitt

How To Use An Email Outreach Checklist To Scale Your Business &Raquo; Unsplash Image U33Fhrybybu

How To Use An Email Outreach Checklist to Scale Your Business

Photo via @StoryFuel Here is a list of outreach activities to speed up client acquisition by 3 to 5 times: Identify your target market By examining your current client base, conducting market research, and examining competitors, you can determine who your ideal consumer is. This will assist you in developing campaigns and messaging that connect […]

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Ways To Make Your Business More Eco-Friendly &Raquo; Mltvhi2Yfgtibobcsyszbgof1Fnir8Ea1682342591

Ways To Make Your Business More Eco-Friendly

Green practices and eco-friendliness are very important for businesses, as they consume lots of energy and produce lots of waste. Minimizing the impact on the environment can help keep the world healthy and can save money for the company. You just need to know the right ways to be more eco-friendly as a business. Minimize […]

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The Ultimate Guide To Creating A Clean And Healthy Workplace &Raquo; Screenshot2023 04 28At8.28.11Am

The Ultimate Guide to Creating a Clean and Healthy Workplace

Image: Andrea Piacquadio / Pexels Imagine this: On an ordinary workday, as you prepare to tackle your day’s tasks at your desk, you see stacks of papers, crumbs on the keyboard, and dust bunnies underneath the chair. This scene is not only unpleasant to look at but can have detrimental impacts on health and productivity […]

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How To Support Employees And Improve Workplace Culture &Raquo; Screenshot2023 04 26At3.02.49Pm

How To Support Employees and Improve Workplace Culture

Image credit Are your employees working as efficiently as they should be? Are you utilizing them to the best of your abilities? Part and parcel of being a good employer are recognizing how well your team works together and taking steps to improve your skills as an employer to ensure everything is running as smoothly […]

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Putting Ideas Into Action: Tips For Turning Townhall Meeting Feedback Into Tangible Results &Raquo; Screenshot2023 04 25At10.35.56Am

Putting Ideas into Action: Tips for Turning Townhall Meeting Feedback into Tangible Results

Image Source: Unsplash Employee feedback is an integral part of any successful business. Hosting townhall meetings is an excellent way to have your employees express themselves, share ideas, and contribute to the company’s success. However, the value of these meetings is only limited if the feedback is translated into actionable plans.  The Importance of Employee […]

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4 Tips For Architects To Attract More Customers &Raquo; She4Avqbfthvnj7Gxkmbkhfyblbuplvl1681835722

4 Tips for Architects To Attract More Customers

Customers are essential to the success of businesses of all shapes and sizes, and your architecture firm is no different. By knowing how to appeal to the public, you can broaden your target market to continue growing our company. Your field of work is competitive, and you need to remind potential clients why you should […]

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