The Ability to Hold Transformational Space for Others with Lauri Smith
- The Ability to Hold Transformational Space for Others with Lauri Smith Jeff Wickersham 25:04
Join me as I interview special guest, Lauri Smith.
Lauri is an intuitive
public speaking and leadership coach.
She helps visionaries
on a soul-driven mission to stand in their power, speak their truth and Lead.
Lauri is the CVO
(Caring Visionary Officer) of Voice Matters and the author of Your Voice
Matters: A Guide to Speaking Soulfully When It Counts.
Her mission is to call
forth more open-hearted leaders so they can do their part to change the world
with authenticity, creativity and courage.
She envisions a world
in which everyone shares the vibration of their soul’s purpose with the world
through their voices and together, we reach global harmony.
Lauri can always see
the soul underneath the static – which makes her really good at motivating
people to fight their inner demons and find tremendous inner power.
Check out the full episode now!
Where to find Lauri:
A free copy of The
Visionary Soul’s Guide to Authentic Speaking: