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September 24th, 2024

298 Pamela Rand: Adventures in Feeling Young

  1. 298 Pamela Rand: Adventures in Feeling Young Gail Zelitzky and Catherine Marienau 29:53

From a very young age, Pamela Rand, 81, described herself as a comic, a clown, a funny kid who liked to make people laugh. She continues today to sing, dance, speak in multiple accents and create skits on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram and TikTock. Laughing at herself is her prime mode of comedy. 

In her early 20’s, Pamela went to Clown School in Paris where she journeyed within to discover her inner clown. Having lost both her mother and brother, this “school of movement, mind and theater” helped her regain her innocence- her silly side-and she learned that 20 minutes of daily laughter enriches your life and is good for your brain. Today she focuses on physical comedy, formerly known as slapstick.

  ”Humor is vital to our sanity and longevity.”

Pamela is the “Self-proclaimed president of the mature mothers’ society”. Her daughter was born when she was 42, and not wanting her to be an only child, she birthed twins at 51.  She believes in positive addictions – Meditation, eating healthy foods, chi gong, weight training, Pilates, and, of course, humor.

Pamela Rand is a role model for an Aging population and an inspiration for youth.


Website: PamelaRand.net

Website: Adventures in Feeling Young

You Tube: Adventures in Feeling Young

TikTok: Adventures in Feeling Young

Instagram: Adventures in Feeling Young

Gail Zelitzky & Catherine Marienau Women Over 70 - Aging Reimagined

The decades that begin in our 70s require resilience to deal with new challenges, gratitude for living longer, and inspiration to enrich our own and others’ lives. Hosts Gail Zelitzky and Catherine Marienau are two such women. Their stories and the stories of the over 200 women they have interviewed celebrate women’s enduring courage, compassion and contribution. Our compelling stories shatter the myth that we become irrelevant as we age.


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