134 Donna Lawrence: Pink is Therapeutic – It Will Make You Feel Happy
- 134 Donna Lawrence: Pink is Therapeutic - It Will Make You Feel Happy Gail Zelitzky and Catherine Marienau 26:14
Donna Lawrence was happily living life until the unspeakable death of her son, at age 20, from a brain seizure. Through the Main Street Entrepreneurs, Matters Cafe and Laughter Yoga, Donna discovered ‘it’s an amazing thing when you realize you can go on’. The color pink helped boost her spirits and, today, she surrounds herself with pink through painting, clothing, decor, and helping others find their pink passion.
Painting is therapeutic – it puts you in a zone and improves your focus. Through her company, ItPinkPainting, she guides others to create custom-designed items that are painted pink.
“I don’t think much about Aging; I think of it as maturity. Stay connected with positive people and you can find the good in anything.” – Donna Lawrence
Connect with Donna:
Email: itpinkpainting@gmail.com