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158. Revitalize Your Body: Easy Chair Yoga Techniques for 50+ and Beyond

  1. 158. Revitalize Your Body: Easy Chair Yoga Techniques for 50+ and Beyond Diane Gilman 39:04

🎙️ Too Young to Be Old: Chair Yoga with Sarah Beth – Accessible Exercise for All Ages Join Diane Gilman as she discovers the transformative power of chair yoga with expert Sarah Beth!

🧘‍♀️ In this episode:

  1. Introduction to chair yoga and its benefits
  2. Reframing exercise for older adults and those with limited mobility
  3. Practical demonstrations of chair yoga exercises
  4. Customizing yoga practice for individual needs
  5. The importance of daily movement for joint health and overall well-being

Featuring insights on:

  1. Adapting exercise routines after health challenges
  2. Mind-Body Connection through yoga
  3. Improving flexibility, circulation, and range of motion
  4. Overcoming age-related exercise barriers

Plus: A special segment on Partiqlar supplements for Aging and inflammation!

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Don’t miss this empowering discussion on how chair yoga can help you stay active and vibrant at any age. Motion is lotion, and Sarah Beth shows us how! 💪

Subscribe for more inspiring content and join our community of fabulous 50+ individuals!

Sarah Beth’s Chair Yoga videos:

#ChairYoga #AccessibleExercise #AgePositivity #TooYoungToBeOld

Diane Gilman Too Young To Be Old with Diane Gilman

A fashion rule-breaker with millions of loyal fans, the charismatic pearl-haired, “Queen of Jeans,” Diane Gilman is 78 years young and embracing aging instead of fighting it. An inspiration for women embracing their third act, Diane is The top Tele-retailing brand globally who is just getting started, and not unlike many women’s stories, recognition for Diane came later in life with the launch of her DG2 Jeans line on HSN which has become the top tele-retailing brand globally, over $100 million dollars a year in retail sales domestically, could be seen on QVC UK, Italy, France, Australia & Canada. Her latest book, “Too Young to be Old,” is another compelling take on conquering life’s challenges and harnessing one’s own power to live a “third act” filled with dream-catching and fulfillment.

After 30 years of experience in front of the camera connecting with the baby boomer audience on television, Diane has set out to become a proaging advocate and a "Silver-haired Influencer". Through social media, YouTube and the launch of her podcast, Too Young To Be Old, Diane's goal is to educate and inspire the 50+ community in a range of lifestyle topics such as nutrition, health & wellness, fashion, beauty & skincare, and any other topics covering aging solutions.


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