1. Mike Andes, owner of Augusta Lawn Care (87 locations) shares how to gain your first customers Will Young 29:11

Mike Andes is a Lawn Care Franchise owner. He owns Augusta lawn care which has 87 locations across the United States. Agusta lawn care is also involved with several online services such as landscape business course, business BootCamp podcast, and website builders/marketing and advertising tips. Mike is the owner of a large franchise but his priority is to have all lawn care and landscaping companies succeed in the long run. He knows the challenges with rising gas prices and potential electric equipment being required in some states. Mike Andes mentioned in this interview, his new pay for performance software called p4psoftware.com (pay for performance) Mike is doing his best to put out content on all platforms that is super helpful and informative. He even has four published books and his pay for performance software which are linked here:

Mikes Books:

P4P software: 


Will Young Podcaster

Will Young will walk into the territory of entrepreneurial and small business owner knowledge with this podcast. My goal is to use my own experience as well as the expertise of others to light a path to financial freedom and career success. If you want to start a side hustle or advance your career through actionable steps and real-life stories from experienced business owners and investors, this is the place for you. Please enjoy the truths and laughs of the Young Blooded Podcast experience.