What Should We Know About End-of-Life Planning with Dorian Mintzer M.S.W., Ph.D.
- What Should We Know About End-of-Life Planning with Dorian Mintzer M.S.W., Ph.D. Guidance Point Advisors, LLC. 1:12:39
Ep 098: A few weeks ago, we spoke with an older client who had managed her Retirement planning well but hadn’t addressed end-of-life issues beyond financial aspects, such as her Legacy and comforting her loved ones. To help with this, we brought in a world-renowned retirement coach specializing in finding meaning and purpose in retirement challenges. Our goal is to equip you with the knowledge and tools for a confident and fulfilling retirement, including thoughtful end-of-life planning and its impact on loved ones.
Our next guest on the Retirement Success in Maine Podcast is Dr. Dorian Mintzer, a renowned therapist, relationship and executive coach, writer, and speaker with over 50 years of expertise in retirement and Aging. She is the co-author of “The Couple’s Retirement Puzzle” and the founder of the Revolutionize Retirement community, providing valuable resources and guidance for navigating midlife transitions. Dr. Mintzer is also a licensed psychologist and thought leader in retirement Coaching, with her work featured in major media outlets like the New York Times, Forbes, and the Wall Street Journal.
Welcome Dorian Mintzer! [5:00]
How can individuals approach end-of-life planning to ensure their wishes are respected and fulfilled? [14:45]
What should people keep in mind when planning their own funeral, and how can taking charge of these arrangements contribute to a sense of peace and ensure their wishes are respected? [22:23]
What are some insights for people thinking about legacy planning? [28:06]
What are some of the key emotional and spiritual aspects that individuals commonly face as they end up approaching death? [36:04]
How can families and caregivers best support someone emotionally and spiritually during end-of-life planning, and what advice would you give to those involved in this sensitive process? [40:23]
How can we effectively broach the conversation about end-of-life planning when there is difficulty from either party? How can we ensure that wishes are discussed and documented with family members to benefit everyone involved? [46:25]
How is Technology influencing the documentation of our own stories for future generations? [59:58]
How is Dorian going to find her personal retirement success? [1:06:00]
Conclusion of show [1:11:04]