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Episode #296: Josh Korb

  1. Episode #296: Josh Korb outofthetrenches 25:23

Josh Korb is the author of “Be the Cause: Educator’s Guide to EFFECTive Instruction”-recently published by Road to Awesome. He’s a dynamic and multifaceted educator, passionately strives to revolutionize the world of Education. Beginning his career as a math teacher, Josh’s innate drive to innovate led him to become a Director of Technology and Innovation. This role allowed him to merge his love for teaching with his profound experience in instructional technology, in hopes of transforming the educational landscape. As an accomplished author, educational consultant, and captivating speaker, Josh shares his insights on the intersection of technology and education, inspiring audiences and unboxing potential. His ability to communicate complex ideas with Clarity and conviction has cemented his reputation as a thought leader in his educational community.

Find Josh online: is on social @mrjkorb on X IG: @MrJoshKorb he can keynote/lead PD. website:

Dana Goodier Out of the Trenches podcast

Are you in the trenches as an educator? You're not alone. Hear from those who have been in the trenches and managed to come out intact. Hear their stories!


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