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January 30th, 2025

Skin Health after 50 Is More than Botox: Not That There's Anything Wrong with That! With Dr. Mary Alice Mina

  1. Skin Health after 50 Is More than Botox: Not That There's Anything Wrong with That! With Dr. Mary Alice Mina James Croft 27:52

Why is there still a stigma around Botox and other simple cosmetic procedures? And what role does skin health play in healthy Aging?

These are topics I discuss on this episode with Atlanta dermatologist Dr. Mary Alice Mina. You know, it’s funny. We don’t think anything about working out and looking better… but we raise a skeptical glance at the possibility of Botox, fillers, or peels. What’s the difference between them and, say, dying your hair?

I find Botox to be an entry topic for the more relevant subject of skin health, Cancer screenings, and the like. 

I'd been hoping to have a dermatologist on the show for a while. I know you'll enjoy this conversation.

Jay Croft Fitness Content Creator

Jay Croft is the host of Optimal Aging, a show about fitness, health and wellbeing for people over 50 that concentrates on marketing, content, and making powerful connections. A longtime former newspaper journalist, he is the creator of Prime Fit Content, which provides premium marketing materials to help gyms and studios reach people over 50. Prime Fit Content is used by fitness professionals across the US and Canada, and in other countries around the world. He contributes regularly to CNN and WebMD.


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