395. NDEs: What Can We Learn and Apply to Life from those stories?
- 395. NDEs: What Can We Learn and Apply to Life from those stories? Kara Goodwin 14:35
I am regularly doing solo lives on YouTube, and I will start dripping these out on the audio podcast for those who prefer to engage with content in that way!
Near Death Experiences offer us a remarkable gift through their experience of glimpsing possibilities of what we’ll encounter after death. How can we apply these stories in the highest way to our lives?
Some of the many NDE episodes of Soul Elevation: Vinney Tolman: https://www.soulelevationpodcast.com/Vinney-Tolman2 & https://www.soulelevationpodcast.com/Vinney-Tolman
Dr. Michael Hession:Â https://www.soulelevationpodcast.com/Michael-Hession
Ken Lloyd: https://www.soulelevationpodcast.com/Ken-Lloyd
Rob Gentile: https://www.soulelevationpodcast.com/Rob-Gentile
Eben Alexander: https://www.soulelevationpodcast.com/eben-alexander
Nicole Kerr: https://www.soulelevationpodcast.com/254-nde-embracing-deathless-living-nicole-kerr/
Michael Harris: https://www.soulelevationpodcast.com/232-near-death-and-a-search-for-healing-michael-harris/#neardeathexperiences #ascension #spiritualawakening
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