1. 230. The Benefits of ET-Human Hybridization Programs - Barbara Lamb Kara Goodwin 1:35:04

Uncover the extraordinary phenomenon of hybridization between humans and extraterrestrials and experience the emotional journey of the hybridization program. Here’s what I cover with Barbara Lamb in this episode:

1. Hybridization Programs: Explore the phenomenon of extraterrestrials breeding with people on Earth and the implications of this. 

2. Human-ET Copulation: Uncover the act of human males being taken on board a spaceship and coerced into copulating with an extraterrestrial female.

3. Creative Arts: Discover why the extraterrestrials are so interested in the creative arts of humans and why they are so keen to add this to their gene pool. Barbara Lamb is a hypnotherapist and author of several books including Meet the Hybrids, which explores the lived experiences of eight people who understand themselves to be part human and part extraterrestrial. She has worked with thousands of clients who have had extraterrestrial encounters and has gained insight into the phenomenon of hybridization.

Kara Goodwin Meditation and Transformation Coach

Kara Goodwin is like a personal trainer for spiritual aspirants. She is passionate about helping those who wish to expand beyond the physical plane to tap into the wisdom and gifts within them and grow into a truer understanding of who they are. While she derives great fulfillment from swimming in mystical waters, she equally values nurturing her Earthly side through motherhood, animals, plants, and treatment-free beekeeping.