Sunday - February 9th, 2025
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The Empty Nesters Go To Podfest – E70

We’re coming to you from a different location this week. We recap our amazing experience at Podfest Expo 2025 from one of the “studios” set up at the event. We met so many people and learned so many things-many we hope to incorporate into The Loud Quiet.

Shows & Brands mentioned in the episode…
Relatively Famous Podcast:
Renaissance Orlando:

0:00 What Empty Nesters Crave: Friendship & Community
0:10 Broadcasting from Podfest 2025!
2:36 Late-Night Karaoke and Podfest Vibes
4:18 Setting Conference Goals and Meeting Expectations
7:29 Business Card Drama and Podcasting Together
10:44 Learning Tactical Tips to Improve the Podcast
13:33 Favorite Discoveries and Building Community
17:20 The Loud Quiet vs CX Passport – Who wins?
22:14 Big Ideas and Saying Yes to New Opportunities
27:50 Wrapping Up from Podfest

#marriage #recreation #podcast #EmptyNesters #EmptyNesting #Lifeafterkidsleave #Transitiontoanemptynest #Parentingjourney #Reinventingourselves #Newchapterinlife #Emptynestchallenges #Findingpurpose #Rediscoveringhobbies #Relationshipafterkids #Self-discovery #Preparingforanemptynest #Reconnectingasacouple #Growingtogetherafterkidsleave #Familydynamicsafterkidsleave #Supportsystemsforemptynesters #Tipsforsuccessfulemptynesting #emptynest

Rick Denton The Loud Quiet

Rick & Clancy have been enjoying life together for 28 years...married for 24. Starting August 2023, they now have two college aged kiddos and are about to enter a new phase of life. The house is quieter than's a loud quiet, indeed. Join them as they laugh, cry and yes, probably argue while trying to figure out how to live the empty nest - new adventures / challenges await!


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