247. Acting Your Way To Your Goals with Tara Jade Fox
- 247. Acting Your Way To Your Goals with Tara Jade Fox Esther Avant 36:42
You’ve probably heard the advice to fake it til you make it.
Today’s guest, actor and speaker, Tara Jade Fox, has a better way.
She’s sharing professional acting techniques we can all use to embody our personal and professional goals – and have fun doing it!
Tara Jade Fox is a dynamic actor with a diverse portfolio spanning theatre, voiceover, on-camera film and TV, and performance capture- think black spandex suits with dots all over like in Avatar of Planet of the Apes. Leveraging her extensive experience, Tara delivers captivating keynotes that fuse acting techniques with motivational insights, empowering audiences to unlock their potential and achieve their goals.
Website: www.tarajadefox.com
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tarajadefox/ IG: http://www.instagram.com/tarajadefox
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