Inspiring Belief through Acts of Kindness
- Inspiring Belief through Acts of Kindness Mike 23:36
Ever wonder how just a simple act of kindness can make a significant difference in someone's life? This episode with our esteemed guest, Carol CC Miller, a renowned positive life strategist, peace activator, and hug expert, is a testament to that. We embark on a journey filled with tales of spreading joy and peace through gestures as small as a smile, a kind word or a warm hug. Carol candidly reveals that she doesn't always don a hat of positivity, emphasizing the importance of authenticity and the science-backed benefits of sharing a simple hug.
As we continue the conversation, Carol shares insightful strategies to infuse more peace and kindness into our daily lives and the world. She enlightens us about how the power of the reticular activating system can help us focus on what truly matters. We also delve into balancing kindness with boundaries and self-reflection through the essential question, “Who do I want to be and how do I want to show up in the world?”. Rounding up the talk, Carol encourages using kindness as an effective tool to inspire belief in oneself and one's dreams. Don't miss out on this enriching conversation and be sure to check out the show notes for Carol's contact information!
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