160: Breaking Free of Limiting Beliefs to Create the Life of Your Dreams with Jade Se Tho
- 160: Breaking Free of Limiting Beliefs to Create the Life of Your Dreams with Jade Se Tho Rachel Brooks 43:39
How often do you say to yourself: If only I could do “this” (be more motivated, disciplined, etc.) then I’d be happy. . . So often we are looking for external solutions to fix internal problems but the truth is, the root of all our inactions and actions come directly from our beliefs. And sometimes those beliefs can go so deep within us that we may not even know what it is that we are believing about ourselves. In this episode, Rachel talks with Jade Se Tho, a life coach, multi-dimensional energy worker, and conscious creation expert, about uncovering the deeply rooted beliefs that may be holding us back from becoming our most authentic and true selves.
Rachel and Jade talk more about:
- Identifying recurring patterns in your life
- Being curious about those patterns and really questioning why you keep finding yourself in these same situations
- Realizing the spiritual side of your being and figuring out what it is that your soul is trying to guide you to or through
- The 4 different levels of Consciousness and how there may be beliefs in these different levels that may be holding you back
- Breaking generational patterns and healing past traumas so that you can consciously create the life you want
- Reprogramming your beliefs
- And so much more!
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Let’s Connect:
Jade’s Instagram: @jade_setho
Jade’s Podcast: Your Soul is Calling
Rachel’s Instagram: @iamrachelbrooks
Erin’s Instagram: @the.erin.klein.show
The Confident Woman Podcast Instagram: @theconfidentwomanpodcast
The Confident Woman Collective Instagram: @theconfidentwomancollective
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- “There’s more to us than we think. There are layers. There’s complexity. We’re multi-dimensional. Our soul is multi-dimensional. So sometimes you think you’ve worked through something but the pattern shows up again because you haven’t got to the root of it.” – Jade Se tho
- “We can work on the mind. We can work on the behavior. If it’s procrastination, if it’s sabotage, if it’s Relationships, whatever it is, it normally comes down to the fact that we don’t think we’re good enough.” – Jade Se tho
- “If you want to create a life that’s really going to serve you and make you happy, it’s good to get rid of negative patterns.” – Jade Se tho
- “It’s just so important to remember that sometimes we just need to take that first step.” – Jade Se tho
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