134: Getting to Know Your True Self and Discovering Your Purpose with Roxanne Saffaie
- 134: Getting to Know Your True Self and Discovering Your Purpose with Roxanne Saffaie Rachel Brooks 50:02
What are you passionate about? What are your interests? What are your hobbies? What makes you . . . you? These may seem like simple questions to answer, but for many women, it may feel like being put on the spot. Maybe you aren’t really sure what brings joy, true happiness, or fulfillment. And if that’s true, you aren’t alone. So many women get stuck in these ideals of what their life should look like, and the cultural successes they should have, without truly understanding who they are as a person. This is exactly what Erin and Rachel discuss with women empowerment and self-mastery coach, Roxanne Saffaie, in this powerful episode.
The girls discuss:
- Living a default life
- Building a strong and meaningful relationship with yourself
- Owning your identity
- Discovering and unleashing your full potential
- The 5 S’s to Self Mastery
- Trusting yourself
- And so much more!
Links from today’s episode:
Roxanne’s Website: blackbeltbeauty.com
Roxanne’s Community: blackbeltbeauty.com/queendom-community
Roxanne’s Instagram: @roxylook @blackbeltbeauty @queendomwarriors
Roxanne’s Podcast: BlackBeltBeauty Radio
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Let’s Connect:
Rachel’s Instagram: @iamrachelbrooks
Erin’s Instagram: @the.erin.klein.show
The Confident Woman Podcast Instagram: @theconfidentwomanpodcast
The Confident Woman Collective Instagram: @theconfidentwomancollective
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- “The goal is to get 1% better or stronger, every day. It’s a life game.” – Roxanne
- “Because when you take a hit, and when it gets hard (and it most certainly will), self-love picks your ass right back up and keeps you moving towards the win” – Roxanne
- “Start Investing in all of the beautiful, intricate things that make you. . . you.” – Roxanne
- “If you haven’t reached the goal yet, you aren’t doing it wrong. . .You just have to keep going.” – Roxanne
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