112: Stepping Into Who You’re Created to Be
- 112: Stepping Into Who You’re Created to Be Rachel Brooks 19:04
Ready to step into who you’re created to be? In part 11 of our 12-week series, Rachel and Erin are chatting about going through the process, from falling in love with yourself to creating the life you’ve always dreamed of to becoming The Confident Woman.
The girls will talk more on:
❥ Unleashing your inner confidence
❥ Seeing the potential in what lies ahead
❥ The power of shifting your perspective
❥ Opening your mind to see beyond your external/physical self
❥ And more!
Let’s take a listen!
Erin’s Instagram: @erin_travelsforlife
Rachel’s Instagram: @iamrachelbrooks
The Confident Woman Podcast Instagram: @theconfidentwomanpodcast
- “If you can be, do and have anything in your life, what does that look like for you? How does it feel for you? And what is possible on the other side?” – Rachel ends 558
- “Most people don’t have what they want in life because they don’t know what they want in life.” – Erin
- “We don’t take the time to plan our lives and discover who we are and what we want to do.” – Erin
- “Our why is our north star.” – Rachel
- “Today I’m choosing to do me, for me.” – Rachel
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