111: Stepping into Self-Love
- 111: Stepping into Self-Love Rachel Brooks 18:23
If you are tired of loathing yourself and are ready to fall in love with the real YOU, then you need to listen to this week’s live episode of The Confident Woman Podcast. In part 10 of our 12-week series, Erin and Rachel dive into how you can transform from self-loathing to self-loving one step at a time!
You’ll hear more on:
❥ The big shift in focus you will need to make
❥ Why checking your emotions and changing your mindset is key
❥ What the journey actually looks like going from self-loathing to self-love
❥ Who you need to become best friends with (it might just surprise you!)
❥ The importance of recognizing that self-love is the highest form of love
❥ And so much more!
Let’s take a listen!
Erin’s Instagram: @erin_travelsforlife
Rachel’s Instagram: @iamrachelbrooks
The Confident Woman Podcast Instagram: @theconfidentwomanpodcast
- “You shouldn’t have this feeling of arrogance for liking yourself.” – Erin
- “If you’re purposefully looking in the mirror and you’re already feeling down about yourself, don’t give it a second thought.” – Rachel
- “You’re a product of your environment.” – Rachel
- “When you receive a compliment, you don’t have to be defensive or pay it back right away.” – Rachel
- “If you wouldn’t take it from somebody else, don’t give it yourself.” – Erin
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