Streamline Your Leadership Approach
- Streamline Your Leadership Approach Karl Stabi 51:22
Join us for a discussion about documenting your leadership standards and why it’s so important. Therman Trottman is the founder of The Sharepoint Helpdesk. One of my favorite parts of the interview is his story about why he didn’t think he could document his leadership approach.
Highlights from the interview:
1. Therman’s leadership journey and challenges
Therman shared that he has struggled with being intentional about his leadership, as he has naturally fallen into leadership roles but finds it challenging to directly manage and hold people accountable. He discussed how he is more comfortable providing advice and guidance when disconnected from the outcome, versus when he has a vested interest in the results as a business owner.
2. Documenting processes, values, and communication norms
Karl suggested that Therman document his leadership approach, including standard operating procedures, core values, and communication norms. This would help new hires understand Therman’s expectations and style, rather than relying solely on verbal guidance. They discussed the importance of balancing prescriptive processes with flexibility to allow for creativity and problem-solving.
3. Overcoming distractions and maintaining focus
Therman shared that he struggles with maintaining focus and feeling like he’s not doing enough, even when he’s accomplished his goals for the day. They discussed strategies like setting stretch goals, celebrating small wins, and using checklists or Pomodoro techniques to stay on track.
4. Gratitude and self-reflection
Karl emphasized the importance of gratitude and regularly reflecting on what’s going well, rather than constantly focusing on what could be improved. They discussed how this mindset shift can help leaders avoid burnout and maintain a positive, growth-oriented perspective.
You can learn more about Therman Trottman over at The Share Point Help Desk. You can also connect with Therman over on LinkedIn.
As always, if you have any questions or want to submit a guest for the podcast that you think would be amazing, just reach out to me on the Systematic Leader website, and I’ll do my best to get them on. If you enjoy the inter