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  1. Make the Biggest Cities into States | SFM Episode 6 Adam Braus 36:54

American democracy is … busted.

The Electoral congress, the Supreme Court, a gerrymandered House of Representatives, the filibuster in the Senate. No matter your politics, it is a fact that all of these institutions are non-democratic—they don't reflect the will of the majority of Americans. They enable a small, vocal, well-organized minority to tyrannize over the majority of folks.

We've got big problems, which sometimes require big solutions. There are lots of solutions bandied about on how to make America a democracy again, but we think you will not have heard this one.

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 Email: solutionsfromthemultiverse@gmail.com

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 Adam: @ajbraus 
Scot: @scotmaupin

Thanks to Jonah Burns for our intro and outro music.

Adam Braus Author, Blogger, Podcaster

Adam Braus is a polymath professor and professional in San Francisco. He has built many companies and non-profits and currently building a new college called Elton College. He is a lover of big ideas and new solutions.