1. Section 7: Health Issues During COVID 39:24

It Has Been a Roller Coaster of a Ride

To describe today’s health status since COVID, it’s been a roller coaster. Before COVID, Barbara would get up really super early in the morning, going to a gym, working out with a personal trainer, and a team of people. Doing that a couple of days a week and then going in, treadmill, lifting weights in between, and then going into work, taking a shower, getting dressed, and starting her day. Then COVID hit and the governor closes down all the gyms. As an extreme extrovert, her mental health suffered significantly.

So in those months in March, not only did Barbara stop leaving the house, it was depressing. And she started having a glass of wine or two, every night became much more sedentary. She started gaining an excessive amount of weight and felt like a slog. And it was just a downward spiral for her.

Have Something to Look Forward To
We have to have something to look forward to. We get stressed when we delve into a specific problem that we lose perspective. Figure out something to put on your calendar or something to look forward to because we don’t have anything to look forward to, it just gets bleaker and bleaker and bleaker. Think about things for which you are grateful.

Start Being Healthy
When you eat sugar, it changes your blood sugar, and it causes you to be hungry or thirsty or you know, different things. And so just by removing that, already, it was just like incredible. It just wasn’t serving Barbara’s needs, or purposes anymore. But that’s not to say that maybe someday when she’s retired, sitting around the campfire, she might not enjoy a glass of wine.

So what Barbara has been learning is the sugar that’s in alcohol is what’s not good for her. It causes her to either want to eat or drink more than she should. Just by replacing the sugars and the carbohydrates with fruits, vegetables, and lean meats, just makes her feel so much better and more motivated. There’s a tie between what she eats and how she feels, and how motivated she to go out and do activities.

Healthy Ways to Cope
Keep up with daily routines as far as possible, or make new ones. Exercise, eat healthy meals and try to allocate time for working and time for resting. Also, make time for doing things you enjoy.

Read all of Barbara’s blog posts by visiting https://www.rockyourretirement.com/blog/

This post of Retirement and Retirement Lifestyle first appeared on http://RockYourRetirement.com

This show is sponsored by https://CertifiedMedicareAgents.com.
Katherine Kline Podcaster, Blogger

I host the Rock Your Retirement Show, which is about Lifestyle, not money or insurance! I started the show in 2016 before anyone knew what a podcast was, and now it's had over one million downloads. At this point, there is a lot of information in our back catalog and we try to release an episode every month.

I'm a retired Financial Advisor (after 25 years) and now I try to have fun with my husband, my dog, and my friends.

I'm also the founder of CertifiedMedicareAgents.com, a site that brings insurance agents together with people who are looking for help with Medicare.