Stay Safe!
- Stay Safe! Dr. Ron Kaiser 11:13
Anytime a tremendous tragedy happens, we’re dealing with situations that have no precedent. This COVID-19 pandemic is a challenge for all of us, globally, and these are times when we need to Exercise our humanity and emotional support, more than usual.
We don’t know who will become victims of the virus and who won’t, but we can take precautions, and we have to be prepared to be supportive and help each other deal with this crisis. In this spirit, over the next couple of weeks, The Mental Health Gym website is going to have a number of new resources, specifically geared toward helping people to weather the storm of the Coronavirus, so I deeply encourage you to check them out.
Let’s do everything in our power to STAY SAFE.
Useful Rejuvenaging Resources:
- Website:
- Book: Dr. Ron Kaiser – Rejuvenaging: The Art and Science of Growing Older with Enthusiasm
- Email:
- TEDx Talk: Aging Enthusiastically to Make the World a Better Place
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