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April 2nd, 2024

00 I Becoming Fairy Godmother: Egg donation and creating a new kind of family

  1. 00 I Becoming Fairy Godmother: Egg donation and creating a new kind of family Feelings & Co 54:17

Two years ago Julia Winston was asked to help a gay couple start a family by donating her eggs. At the time, she was 38, single, and had no idea if she’d start her own family. Sometimes that made her feel insecure, so the opportunity to donate her eggs allowed her to help create a family, just not the one she imagined in her head. Since the donation, she’s gone through an emotional transformation that opened her eyes to all the different ways a family can look. 

This episode originally aired on Terrible Thanks for Asking, hosted by Nora McInerny.

The episode transcript can be found here


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Our team 

Host: Julia Winston

Executive Producer: Claire McInerny 

Manager of Engagement: Grace Barry

Audio Engineer: Josh Gilbert

We are a member of the Feelings and Co network. 

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Refamulating is a podcast that explores all the ways to make a family. Most people in America don't live in a nuclear family anymore, and we explore what that looks like one family at a time.


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