From Daughter to Caregiver: Navigating Parental Dementia
- From Daughter to Caregiver: Navigating Parental Dementia Brigitte Cutshall 28:21
After 35 years of teaching, Kathy Bjork found herself in an unexpected new role … parenting her own parent.
Her experiences caring for her mother with dementia led her to write “My Mother is Losing Her Memory and I Am Losing My Mind,” a candid look at the challenges and lessons learned while navigating this difficult journey.
Taking action now can make all the difference later.
Key Takeaways:
(1) Preparation is Critical: Having proper documentation (power of attorney, consolidated bank accounts) and key information organized before cognitive decline sets in is essential.
(2) Resistance is Normal: People with dementia often resist help and change, stemming from their desire to maintain independence and control. Instead of arguing or correcting them, practice patience and meet them where they are – even if that means going along with stories that aren’t quite accurate.
(3) Support Systems Matter: From working with placement agencies to find the right assisted living facility, to ensuring social engagement and activities, to having neighbors with spare keys – building a comprehensive support network is crucial. No one should try to handle Caregiving alone.
Visit for valuable resources and start the important conversations with your loved ones about Aging, care preferences, and documentation.