1. Empowering Women's Financial Health with Dr. Sabrina Ellis Brigitte Cutshall 28:33

Dr. Sabrina Ellis is a trailblazer in advocating for financial literacy, particularly for women. Dr. Ellis is also a recipient of President Barack Obama’s Lifetime Achievement Award, Pastor, Personal Growth Coach and author of Wife Life: Securing Your Future.

She shares her personal journey, eye-opening statistics, and the urgent need for conversations about money that we often shy away from. Get ready to be inspired and equipped with the tools to secure your financial future.

Here are some important takeaways:

  1. Financial literacy and planning are crucial: Dr. Ellis emphasizes the importance of starting early and learning about personal finance. She shares that her own family lacked financial knowledge, but as she gained information and understanding, she began turning her financial situation around.
  2. Planning for the future is essential: Dr. Ellis discusses how many couples focus on the excitement of the wedding day but often avoid discussing important topics like financial planning. She shares her personal experience of shutting down conversations about the future with her husband, only to realize the importance of those discussions after his passing.
  3. The need for increased awareness and education: Dr. Ellis advocates for a change in societal attitudes towards financial discussions and education. By raising awareness and openly discussing financial matters, individuals can be better prepared for life events such as the loss of a spouse, ensuring they have the necessary support and resources in place.

Learn more about her at https://www.sabrinajellis.com/