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October 30th, 2021

264 – Indigenous Veterans of Turtle Island Monument

  1. 264 - Indigenous Veterans of Turtle Island Monument Oscar Mike Radio 20:00

I had the honor to talk with Native Americans Loren Spears, Narragansett Tribal Nation and Charlie Smith Jr, Seaconke Wampanoag Tribal Nation about the Indigenous Veterans Monument being built at the Rhode Island Veterans Cemetery in Exeter, Rhode Island.

As I said at the start of the conversation, doing Oscar Mike Radio just shows me how much I don’t know. I served with a couple of Native Americans, but will confess that there is a lot for me to learn about many aspects of the Native American culture.

At the conclusion of our talk, it became clear that having monument must happen. I went the the website and looked at the committee page. There was story after story of a family member’s or personal service to our country that was the reason for wanting to build this monument. The goals is $50,000.00 and the group has raised over half that amount.

Go to to learn more or donate. I also have shirts for sale($25.00 – Free Shipping). If you buy a shirt between now and December 1st, I will put you in a drawing for the Oscar Mike Radio Supply Drop.

Thank you Loren and Charlie for talking with me about this worthy cause. I can’t wait to see this come together. I have to give a shout out to Marine Corps Veteran Armand Perreault and Army Veteran Briana Auclair for helping me do this. It was complete team effort!

Travis Partington Travis - Oscar Mike Radio

Travis grew up in the Midwest before moving with his family to the South. From there he joined the Marine Corps and served as a radar operator for HAWK Missile System.

After the Marine Corps, Travis moved to the Boston area, and works for a financial services firm.

Travis has done voice-over and is currently working on a project reading poems. In 2022, Travis’ contribution to the anthology, “Let Go or Be Dragged”, made Travis an International Best Seller. Travis has also contributed to The Resilient Warrior, Born in a Bar 2, and Veterans Unchained 2.0.

Travis enjoys being a dad, the outdoors, archery, and riding his motorcycle. Being a father is the most rewarding aspect of Travis’ life.


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