1. 02: Fitness for Older Women Jane Leder 30:43

The UK’s #1 “Online Fitness Expert for Women 50+,” Jan Malloch has quite a story to tell. Both her mother and father died in their fifties, the result of too much alcohol, smoking, and a sedentary lifestyle. Determined not to follow in her parents' footsteps, Jan got off the couch and went to the gym, first as a volunteer to work with older clients who were wheelchair-bound. Through a circuitous series of events, she ended up as a personal trainer. Her story is uplifting, and her physical fitness program is guaranteed to help older women who have never exercised or who haven’t exercised in years.

Jane Leder Podcaster & Author

I am an award-winning author of books about teen suicide, siblings, and men and women during WWII. My feature articles have appeared in publications from Psychology Today to the Chicago Sun-Times. I enjoy the journey of writing, the process. But as I celebrated my seventy-seventh birthday, I wanted a change of focus and turned my creative energies into launching "Older Women & Friends," a podcast. The challenge has been exhilarating and will certainly help me make it through the dead of winter in the Midwest.