Helping Us Find What's Next with Lauren St. George
- Helping Us Find What's Next with Lauren St. George Kimberly Benoy 23:36
Lauren St. George is a South African by birth, an American by choice and a global explorer by design. These life experiences have fostered in her an appreciation for the diversity of people’s ideas, motivations, strengths, and dreams.
In this episode, she shares her story of helping others by giving them simple tools to use when navigating big life challenges such as divorce, empty-nest or career changes. She offers some great tips for those of us who are feeling a bit stuck or unsure.
To learn more about Lauren St. George, check out her website HERE. You will find a link to her newsletter and more information about her Coaching program including a free discovery call.
Kim Benoy is an RN, wife, mom and aromatherapist who has learned to live every moment. She shares stories of other women like you who have found their courage and confidence to do the same. If you would like to learn more about Kim and her story, go to her WEBSITE. You will also find a link to her essential oil products.