Sunday - February 9th, 2025
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Therapy for People Living with Dementia

  1. Therapy for People Living with Dementia Teresa Youngstrom 34:05

Hello Care Partners,

Our guests today are Laurie Walther, M.S., CCC-SLP and Emily Briggs, OTR/L are licensed therapists who are independently certified to train on Teepa Snow’s Positive Approach to Care (PAC) techniques.

With over 45 years of combined experience as a Speech Language Pathologist (SLP) and Occupational Therapist (OT), respectively, they are passionate about improving the quality of care by providing care with those living with dementia and empowering others to do the same.

These amazing women know their business and are compassionate too. They think outside the box to find ways to serve your loved one who is living with Dementia. They have personal and professional experience that you will notice as soon as you talk to them.

Their focus is to provide exceptional CARE or Compassion, Acceptance, Reliability and Education. You will be blessed by this podcast and the stories that they shared.

You Got THIS,


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Teresa Youngstrom RN Dementia Specialist and Podcaster

Teresa Youngstrom is a season registered nurse with almost 40 years of clinical and leadership nursing experience. She is the founder and owner of She is the founder and owner of A Better Approach To Memory Care, where she provides Family consultations and a weekly podcast to share insight on caring for individuals living with dementia. The podcast is Memory Care with Teresa Youngstrom, and can be found on YouTube, Spotify or on her website,


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