Sunday - February 9th, 2025
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Ethical Dilemmas with Dementia Part 2

  1. Ethical Dilemmas with Dementia Part 2 Teresa Youngstrom 33:57

Hey Care Partners!

Ethical Dilemmas with Dementia part 2 takes us deeper into conversation about handling tough situations. Keep in mind that if they have capacity to think and use logic, they should be included in decision making concerning their needs.

When paranoia, never wrong, or always the victim symptoms show up we sometimes find a lack of capacity to make healthy choices and need to respectfully find ways to ensure their safety and wellbeing.

Join us to day today as we discuss:

1: Making choices against their desires

2: Challenges with change of location

3: Antipsychotic drugs instead of pain meds

4: Difficulty with Communication

5: Blaming everything on

Behaviors 6: Using local EMS to remove difficult residents and More…. Be sure to click Subscribe and ring that bell for more videos! For longer videos and in depth talks, visit my revnt page: For staff training and speaking engagements, visit Please subscribe to us on all platforms

Teresa Youngstrom RN Dementia Specialist and Podcaster

Teresa Youngstrom is a season registered nurse with almost 40 years of clinical and leadership nursing experience. She is the founder and owner of She is the founder and owner of A Better Approach To Memory Care, where she provides Family consultations and a weekly podcast to share insight on caring for individuals living with dementia. The podcast is Memory Care with Teresa Youngstrom, and can be found on YouTube, Spotify or on her website,


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