End of Life Doula with Stacy Hannah
- End of Life Doula with Stacy Hannah Teresa Youngstrom 30:29
Hello Care Partners,
Please welcome my guest, Staci Hannah, who is the founder of Graceful Journey Atlanta. She is a certified Aging Navigator, independent consultant with Teepa Snow, certified Positive Approach to Care trainer, mentor, coach, and consultant, and graduate of the Rosalyn Carter Institute of Caregiving, as well as trained End-of-Life Coach.
Her goal is to educate and advocate for her clients and their families. She empowers care partners with skills and knowledge, to create meaningful Relationships and engagement opportunities. She makes sure her clients’ voices are heard, their needs are met, and their safety and Security are the number one priority.
Graceful Journey provides:
1. Care planning: Staci helps clients create a care plan after the diagnosis of a long-term illness. Each plan is customized to fit the client’s needs and desires. She makes sure to provide safety guidelines, hygiene regimens, and ways to maintain activities of daily living.
2. Care Partner Education and Training: Being a care partner for a loved one is often challenging, confusing, and exhausting, but it doesn’t have to be. She can equip you with tools and techniques for care-partnering and be an encouraging advocate alongside you and your loved one every step of the way.
3. End-of-Life Coaching: Let’s talk openly about end-of-life issues. Staci is a certified End-of-Life Coach: someone who is trained and experienced in noticing end-of-life transitions, non-verbal cues, and then creates a safe and meaningful experience. She is a daughter, sister, mom, aunt, and new grandmother who has been a caregiver and knows first-hand the challenges inherent in the aging process. Her professional expertise from working in memory care facilities and with Hospice organizations makes her uniquely qualified to provide training, education, advice, guidance, and support to centers, organizations, families, and individuals.
For more information contact Staci G. Hannah,
M.Ed. Aging Navigator 404-358-7752 (c) gracefuljourneyatl.com
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