Sunday - February 16th, 2025
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Dr. Catherine Franssen, Neuroscience of Memory and Dementia

  1. Dr. Catherine Franssen, Neuroscience of Memory and Dementia Teresa Youngstrom 32:33

Hello Care Partners,

Join us to hear about Dr. Catherine Franssen She is recognized internationally as a public speaker, educator, and researcher. She received her Ph.D. in neurobiology from the University of Chicago and has thrived at multiple universities over the past two decades, most recently Longwood University in Virginia, where she earned tenure and launched an interdisciplinary neuroscience program.

Her collaborative research over the past two decades has appeared in prestigious journals including Nature and Brain Research. Catherine is widely recognized for her ability to take the latest research in neuroscience and psychology and apply it to everyday life, decision-making, and business strategies.

Her thoughts and voice appear in hundreds of publications including CNN and Scientific American. Her broad scientific training combined with her innovative thinking, humor, and passion for informal Education lends a unique lens to a range of topics, from holiday spending to the love of pumpkin spice.

Passionate about communicating lessons from neuroscience to improve business strategies, career development, and personal wellbeing, Dr. Franssen has recently founded Franssen Strategies, LLC. Her areas of expertise include Stress management, Mental Health, and neurodiversity. She provides workshops and executive Coaching for organizations in the public and private sectors.

Join us as we discuss how Dementia is different from normal Aging and why it is so challenging to relate to especially when agitation or acting out is present.

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Teresa Youngstrom RN Dementia Specialist and Podcaster

Teresa Youngstrom is a season registered nurse with almost 40 years of clinical and leadership nursing experience. She is the founder and owner of She is the founder and owner of A Better Approach To Memory Care, where she provides Family consultations and a weekly podcast to share insight on caring for individuals living with dementia. The podcast is Memory Care with Teresa Youngstrom, and can be found on YouTube, Spotify or on her website,


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