Sunday - February 16th, 2025
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Caregiver Support with Dementia

  1. Caregiver Support with Dementia Teresa Youngstrom 24:58

Hello Care Partners,

Caring for another person is one of the most difficult jobs I have ever been faced with. Probably even more difficult when it is a family member with dementia

It can be all consuming and sometimes we lose our patience and risk losing our own health in the process. Spend thirty minutes educating yourself on better ways to care for someone from a seasoned nurse who has first hand experience.

You will be glad you did!

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Teresa Youngstrom RN Dementia Specialist and Podcaster

Teresa Youngstrom is a season registered nurse with almost 40 years of clinical and leadership nursing experience. She is the founder and owner of She is the founder and owner of A Better Approach To Memory Care, where she provides Family consultations and a weekly podcast to share insight on caring for individuals living with dementia. The podcast is Memory Care with Teresa Youngstrom, and can be found on YouTube, Spotify or on her website,


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